CabinCash cabin sessions vol. 3 todd snider

Jamming Between Tracks at Cash Cabin Studio. He has earned endorsements from guitar builders around the world, published educational books on music.

A Brief History


Much of Johnny Cash’s business was traveling and performing shows. The road life was nearly non-stop, but when he did make it home, he wanted to relax. In the 1970’s the Cashes had over thirty employees. His office, The House of Cash, was in Hendersonville, TN, just down the road from his home, and not only was his office full of people, fast paced and busy, but his very own house on the lake could be likewise. Johnny, a great lover of nature and the outdoors, put up a nine-foot chain link and barbwire fence around forty acres of his land just across the street from his residence. He filled the enclosed “compound” with exotic animals… Buffalo, fallow deer, black buck antelope, ostrich and wild boars all roamed freely in the Cash’s own personal zoo.

Cash Cabin Sessions Vol. 3

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  2. After exhaustive research we were able to find the entrance to the Cash Cabin Studio, where Johnny Cash recorded parts of all of the American Recordings Albums. Sadly, we were denied permission to.
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  4. Welcome to the official site of Cash Cabin Enterprises. Find info, history and more for the iconic recording studio in Hendersonville, TN.
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